Frequently asked questions
FAQ sections
Bundle course
General Course FAQs
Why should I choose the Fast-Track Security Career Bundle?
This package of courses lets you save money while earning 5 certifications. You’ll get basic security guard licensing training (mandatory) plus four additional certification courses. Instead of paying $364 for all 5 certifications, you only pay $249 when you buy these courses together.
We recommend you take the courses in the Fast-Track Career Bundle if you want to have more career options. Better employers prefer to hire guards who have advanced certifications and you may be eligible for higher paying jobs in security. It’s worth the investment in professional development!
What is included in the Fast-Track Security Career Bundle?
This package of courses includes the Basic Security Guard Course, an exam attempt, plus four advanced courses: Preventing Harassment & Violence Certification, Fatigue Awareness Certification, WHMIS Certification, Mental Health Awareness + De-escalation Training for Police & Security Certification.
Can I take these courses if I live in another province/territory/country?
The basic security guard training course in the Fast-Track Security Career Bundle is licensed for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, Canada. If you plan to work as a security guard anywhere else, you will need to take training licensed in your province, territory or country.
When can I start taking the courses?
You can start the training whenever you're ready! As soon as you purchase these course, you’ll have access to everything in the Fast-Track Security Career Bundle.
How long will it take to complete these courses?
The Basic Security Guard Training course is a mandatory 40-hour course. It will take most students 40 hours, but you learn at your own pace. The other four certification courses in this package will take most students about 6-7 hours to complete in total, for all four certifications.
Are these courses offered in English only? Are they available in French or any other languages?
Canadian Academy of Guard Training courses are only available in English at this time. In Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta you must be fluent in English to get a licence as a security guard. Taking the course in English will help.
Are these video courses? What format is the training?
The courses in the Fast-Track Security Career Bundle are each multi-media. That means they include a combination of video, audio and text materials as well as quizzes. You will watch, listen to and read the course materials.
Certification and Licensing FAQs
Are these certifications mandatory if I want to become licensed as a security guard?
The Fast-Track Security Career Bundle includes basic security guard training, which is required. You must take basic training to write the exam and apply for your license as a security guard. Our basic training is licensed in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. If you plan to work as a security guard in one of these provinces, click on your province to learn more about the process of getting licensed.
The other four certification courses in the Fast-Track package are not required but recommended. These four advanced certifications can help you get a better job as a security guard.
If I take these courses, can I start working as a security guard right away?
You will need a security guard licence from your province or territory to start working in the field.
Can I apply for a security guard licence here?
Only provinces and territories can accept applications for a security guard licence. You must apply directly through the government.
Am I eligible to get a security guard licence?
It depends on where you live and plan to work as a security guard. Each province and territory oversees licensing of security guards and sets the eligibility rules. In general, you must be 18 years of age or older and legally allowed to work in Canada. The English language requirements and rules for anyone with a criminal record vary depending on your province or territory.
What can I do with my certifications?
Your basic security guard training certification shows that you’ve completed the mandatory 40 hours of training required. When you’re certified you can take the licensing exam in your province.
The other four certifications can be added to your resume and job applications. They show you have advanced qualifications that are valuable to many employers.
What are the badges that I get for these courses?
Along with each certificate, you'll get a digital badge for each course that you complete. You can collect badges on the Credentials Manager App that comes with these courses. Use the app to track and manage your certifications and share your accomplishments online.
Do you issue paper certificates or badges for these courses?
We exclusively issue digital course completion certificates and badges for these courses. You may wish to print your electronic course completion certificates or badges at home if you prefer a paper copy.
Exam FAQs
Is the security guard licensing exam part of/included in the course?
The security guard licensing exam is not included in this package. After you complete the basic training course in this bundle you must schedule a time to write the security guard licensing exam in your province.
Is there a separate cost to write the security guard licensing exam?
The fee for the exam is not covered as part of your basic training course or included in the cost of the Fast-Track Security Career Bundle. You must pay for the security guard licensing exam separately.
Do you schedule or offer security guard licensing exams?
Security guard licensing exams are administered by the government. You must schedule your exam through your province or territory.
Career FAQs
How will these courses help me get a job in security services?
Taking all five courses and getting all five certifications will help you stand out in the job market. Better employers prefer to hire security guards who have more qualifications. Even if you don’t have experience working in security, you can demonstrate that you’re the better candidate when you take advanced certification courses.
Can you help me get a job as a security guard?
Students who have questions about getting a job as a security guard can ask our experts by contacting us directly. When it comes to interviewing, we find students need extra support.
Purchasing FAQs
How much do I save by buying this set of security guard courses together?
You save $115 when you buy these five certification courses together. Separately, these courses cost $364.
Interview guide page
Why should I buy the guide to security guard job interviews?
Interviewing is difficult, even if you are the best candidate for the job. It’s easy to make mistakes in the interview that can cost you the job. This guide walks you through what to do before, during and after a job interview to increase your chances of success. It is written specifically for security guard job interviews and includes the most common questions asked by interviewers, plus recommended answers. Knowing what to do and say lets you easily demonstrate why you deserve the job. With this guide, you can save time spent searching for jobs, get hired and start making money sooner!
What format is the guide available in?
The eBook is a digital book in pdf format. You can view it on your desktop or mobile device. Often, you can add it to your digital bookshelf on your phone or eBook reader. The security guard interview guide is not available as a print book at this time but you can print it at home.
General FAQ
The Canadian Academy of Guard Training Advantage
Why should I choose Canadian Academy of Guard Training (CAGT)?
Our guard training courses have been trusted by security guards and better employers since 2007. The aim of CAGT is to provide the best possible learning experience and support students every step of the way. No other security guard training provider offers live help 7 days a week and cutting-edge learning technology. In addition to basic security guard training, we offer advanced certification courses and more. CAGT makes it easier to get certified for better jobs in security.
About CAGT Security Guard Courses
Is your security guard training valid in my province/territory/country?
CAGT’s basic security guard training course is licensed for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, Canada. If you plan to work as a security guard anywhere else, you will need to take training licensed in your province, territory or country.
Do you offer in-person security guard training?
The security guard training courses we sell here are all online, computer-based courses. To speak to a representative about in-person training, please contact us directly.
Purchasing CAGT Courses
Are discounts available on your courses and other products?
The best way to find out about promotions is to sign-up for our newsletter. Click here to add your email to our list.
When you purchase a course for two or more individuals, you can take advantage of bulk discounts. The more “seats” you buy, the more you save on each certification.
Corporate Training
My company needs training for our security guard employees. What can you do for us?
Companies can purchase security guard training courses plus other occupational safety courses by We Know Training/Danatec and save with bulk pricing.
If you need custom security or other courses for your company, our training experts can work with you to create training that meets your needs.
The training manager portal makes it easy to track, manage and verify employee training in one place. You can even customize your security guard training portal so it reflects your corporate branding.
If you already use a learning management system, you can upload our courses directly in three easy steps.
There are many ways for companies to use CAGT security guard training programs. Learn more about corporate training here or contact us directly.
Technical Support
How can I get help purchasing a course/accessing a course I purchased?
For live help with any of our security guard programs, you can use the chat text box on the website. On the Contact page you’ll find our direct phone number, email and you can type a message in the contact form. We’ll get back to you asap. CAGT’s Help Desk is available 5 days a week and we pride ourselves on providing the best support in the security guard training industry.
Do I need a computer and internet access to take CAGT training?
Yes, you'll need access to a computer and internet to take our security guard training courses. All training is online. Local libraries are a great place to study if you don't have a computer and internet at home.
Career FAQs
What type of job can I get as a security guard if I take CAGT training?
There are many jobs opportunities in security services. The field is diverse and growing, with opportunities for career advancement. To help you understand the options, we've written about careers in security here: https://blog.guardtraining.ca/job-security-guard-right-for-you/
How do I know a job in security is right for me?
There are many career paths available to licensed security guards. Organizations of all kinds employ security guards for a variety of responsibilities. That said, security guards tend to have some similar traits, characteristics, and values. To assess yourself, try taking our security guard personality quiz here.
Can you help me get a job as a security guard?
When you’re a student of Canadian Academy of Guard Training, you can contact us 5 days a week for support. Students who have questions about getting a job can ask our experts. When it comes to interviewing, we find students need extra support to perform at their best.