
New Brunswick Security Guard Training and Licencing Requirements

The Private Investigators and Security Services Act, 2011 requires individuals to hold a valid security guard or private investigators licence while employed by a licensed security business in New Brunswick. The licence is only valid for that particular business. This act governs all aspects of mandatory security guard training and equipment requirements as well as the issuing, renewal and cancellation of security guard licenses.

The Private Investigators and Security Services Act, 2011 defines security personnel as “a person who guards or patrols or provides other security services for the purpose of protecting persons or property and includes a person who

  • supervises and inspects security guards while they are guarding or patrolling, or
  • accompanies a guard dog while the dog is guarding or patrolling”.

Requirements of a Security Officer

  • only wear a uniform approved by the Registrar
  • carry and present their licenses to anyone making that request
  • comply with any terms and conditions of their licenses;
  • be over 18 years of age
  • return their licenses to the Registrar when they expire, or are terminated, suspended, or cancelled;
  • report to the Registrar any incident involving a member of the public involving the use of force or other unusual intervention.

Who Can Get a Security Guard Licence in New Brunswick

Anyone seeking a security guard license must be at least 18 years old and of good character, as applicants are required to submit a criminal record check.

  • Must have employment with a licensed agency;
  • Must complete and sign an agent application form;
  • Must submit two photographs (colour, 2.54 cm x 2.54 cm in size);
  • Must submit a copy of a government-issued photo ID to be kept on file (i.e. passport, driver’s licence);
  • Must submit a full set of fingerprints prepared by any detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or any municipal police department with the application;
  • Must include licensing fee with the application
Security Guard Jobs

Get Help or More Information on Applying for a New Brunswick Security Guard Licence

For questions on the licence application process contact us
